Monday, November 1, 2010

BOMBS over Break-ups!!

Is there a such thing as a perfect break-up? You know, the one where two lovers sit on opposites ends of ridiculously sweet sundaes and come to an agreement that a better life exists outside of their waning love. The items in the house are spilt an evenly 50/50 and custody arrangements for Cocoa, the chocolate Labrador are made effortlessly. With every spoonful of cool sweet goodness, the soon to be exes fill their stomachs with reassurance that they are making the right decision. When the spoon kisses the bottom of the sundae cup, hands are outstretched, and intertwined for one last time, before separate lives are begun. A chapter is closed, and the story goes on.
Only in a perfect world……A flipping fairy tale….
On the other hand.
Is there such thing as a normal break-up? You know, the ones that do not involve yelling every obscenity that comes to mind, and vowing to destroy the life of someone you once loved dearly. It is as if the ending of a relationship summons a storm of destruction and pain. Winds of hate and clouds saturated with tears, hurry towards the fragile house where two lovers once resided. With every second that drips from the clock, the two act in such a way that makes people wonder what they were doing together in the first place. Cocoa the Labrador seeks cover in a corner amid flying fine china, and the lawyers are on speed dial because each party wants everything?……Everything!!!!!!
And when the dust settles, bitterness arises and drains the house of any signs of life.
A heaven of hell.
So what should take place during a break-up? Is there a set of guidelines, describing break-up etiquette that lovers should follow in effort to avoid going through a painful separation?
During a break-up, both parties should remain calm and rational. That can be very difficult if you are just finding out that your wife has drained the entire bank account or your husband has slept with half of his job and yours...BUT….. it is important to do so. Remaining calm enables you to think clearly and rationally. A relationship is like a business in many ways, so the two partners must come together to oversee the dissolution of the partnership and make sure no one is getting the short end of the stick. There is no need to seek to destroy your ex; Even if you feel like they did you wrong or got the best of you. Revenge is unproductive and unhealthy. Not only does it make you look selfish, immature, and desperate; engaging in revengeful acts puts you back on Karma’s radar. After a break-up neither party should feel at a disadvantage or have their quality of living diminished purposely. A break-up should be just that. Two lovers breaking off their commitment to each other. In the end, each should get at least one thing they want (not every-darn-thing!). There should not be any discussions of why a break-up was inevitable and whose fault it was. From the minute you decide to end things, work towards having a day where you bump into each other, and you can smile, catch up, and keep getting up, instead of informing your hired hit-man of your ex’s newest location.